Tuesday, December 1, 2009




That sure is some crazy math- assuming you read the rest of the page after the video.

Stay radical, but don't make an error in your calculations. Splash and Splat are mighty close to each other- in more than the dictionary

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

... And a Product of 2 Primes Later...

Dear Mathman,

You said "next week". What calendar are you on? It's been a month and 4 days since you last posted! Come on, your fan can't wait!

Your Fan

Dear Fan,

Thanks for paying attention. I have no good calendar explanation other than it's been the first prime number shy of the 6th perfect square since I've posted. The perfect square is the perfect vehicle for our next topic anyways: Roots.

Roots are the BFFs of the exponents. I know some may say "BFF"- that's SOOOO 2007 I can't believe you'd use that term Mathman; After all, you are incredibly hip and relevant. Well, most people still know what it means so we're going with it. With me? Groovy.

Let's review exponents: shortcut for repeated multiplication where the base is the number that is repeatedly multiplied and the exponent is the little number high and to the right that tells us how many times we repeatedly multiply.

Ex 4^2 (the ^ means raise that number) = 4x4 = 16. Now you may have heard that 4^2 can be read as "4 squared." NWDTCF? (Now Where Did That Come From) If you remember finding the area of a square, you remember you multiply the side by itself (since they're all the same it doesn't really matter which side you pick). When we get the answer, we measure it in square units (which are tiny squares that fill up the space). Extending this, we get the "Perfect Squares" (made up of squares with side lengths that are counting numbers):

1^2 = 1x1=1
2^2 = 2x2=4
3^2 = 3x3=9
4^2 = 4x4=16
5^2 = 5x5=25
6^2 = 6x6=36

1,4,6,16,25 and 36 are the first Perfect Squares.

Next awesome math term: Square Root. Simply put, that's what the length of the side would be for a square with a given area. Looks like:

So the easy ones are the square roots of 1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100 - their square roots are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 respectively.

Let's tie the whole room together: Pick a positive whole number (no fraction or decimal). Square it (multiply it by itself). Now find the square root of that result. You should get your original number. So the square root is the inverse to ^2.

Take this further: any number raised to a power has a root that "undoes" what it just did. Trying to show this on this blog is next to impossible since I get a "typewriter" interface. And you thought BFF was an old term...

Exponents and Roots - BFFs.

Stay radical (or at least learn a bit more about them)

- Mathman.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Yes, Supersize Those Fries.

Last entry we had determined that: 1. PEMDAS as a saying doesn't make a whole lot of sense, 2. The MDAS is ok, but ignores the "I'll write my name with <3 on the back of my hand" relationship between Multiply and Divide (also Add and Subtract, but not Multiply and Subtract), and 3. Sheesh Mathman, you're pretty loquacious.

What we didn't deal with was: What about the PE a.k.a. Parenthesis and Exponents part of the Order of Operations?

First, the Parenthesis are always first. DO IT NOW! is their mantra. Don't ask questions. Just Do It. (Actually just saying Parenthesis are the only bossy symbols is not a correct statement. Brackets also mean the same thing.)

I don't know about you, but I'm not a fan of people constantly bossing me around. The grouping symbols, ( ), [ ], and { }, kind of have their own thing going on. They live in their own little dreamworld and don't really have anyone else to hang out with since they're so full of themselves and don't really care about others- unlike Multiply <3 Divide or Subtract <3 Add. Ahh, special relationships...

So the pressing question is now, what about E? I mean, are Exponents to be left forever by themselves? In PEMDAS they're right after the bossy ones and before the googly eyed pairs. Don't they have any prospects for a long term relationship?

First up, Exponents deserve to be right after the bossy ones. Exponents are a shortcut for repeated multiplication which was at the forefront of the MDAS (but may be second to divide). An Exponent- like 2^5 is a shorter way of writing 2*2*2*2*2, just like 2*5 is a shorter way of writing 2+2+2+2+2 (multiplication is a shortcut for repeated addition). I guess that makes exponents kind of the big brother to multiplication and the even bigger brother to addition. Does that mean exponents are repeated repeated addition?

But what about their prospects for BFFs or eternal love? They're at the top (not counting the brats) of the Order of Operations, but should they have to be alone?

In short, no.

Exponents do have a special relationship going on, but they're so secure in it that they don't really advertise it on the back of their hand or with a sketchy tattoo. They've got roots. No really, they've got roots.

Tune in next week to find out more.

Until then: Stay Radical. (Ooh, That's the perfect tagline in this case.)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Would You Like Fries With That Order?

Dear Mathman,

I've been learning about the "Order of Operations" in Math class. I don't like following orders. Do I really need to? Why?

Ivanna Havitall

Dear Ivanna,

Order is a fabulous concept. I mean without orders, how would you get what you want at a restaurant?

Oh wait, I just reread your question. I guess that wasn't the proper answer. Let's try again:

First a bit of history. Actually, a bit of your history. What was the first thing that you learned in math class after you learned how to count. (Please don't say "flush" or "wash hands"). I hope you said "Add". Those were the days... It wasn't too long before the next thing to do showed up on the scene: Subtract. Now you probably didn't like subtract as much as you liked add, because we're all a bit selfish and don't want things taken away. Wasn't it better to say, "You have 3 m and m's (not the rapper) and I give you two more - How many do you have?" rather than "You have 5 m and m's and I take away two." Simple so far, eh?

The next amazing thing you learned to do was multiply. I don't know about you, but when I was back in school I found multiplication to be a fantastic shortcut when I had to repeatedly add a collection of numbers. Example: 3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3 = 3 x 12 (the 3+3 was hard to even type -try it!). Just after getting pretty good at multiplication, division came along and ruined the whole party. I mean seriously, subtraction was hard enough - now equal groups?! Come on!

Let's recap: Divide, Multiply, Subtract, Add- those are the operations in reverse order we learned them. If you learned a saying for the "Order of Operations" it probably was PEMDAS (which isn't even a word) or "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally." Personally, I'm not a fan of either. PEMDAS sounds like a contagious disease (Did you hear about Joe? He didn't wash his hands and came down with a nasty case of PEMDAS.) And "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally?" doesn't make any sense to me at all. I don't have an Aunt Sally, and if I did, why would she need continually excused? Is she uber-rude? Does she have a gatrointestinal disorder? I might as well say, "Prickly Elvises Maim Deer And Studebakers" or even "Portly Elephants Make Doilies After September." All nonsense.

Not really, but the saying is incomplete. It's missing something. We don't always do things in the order of Multiply, Divide, Add, and Subtract. If we take the "big 4" and slightly switch the order we get the MDAS of the end of that saying. I personally think (in regards to the saying) we think Multiply before Divide because we prefer to Multiply first. Likewise with Add and Subtract. (It does make sense that the Multiply comes before Add because Multiplication is the "shortcut" for repeated addition.)

In reality, sometimes Divide comes before Multiply and Subtract before Add. You see, Multiply and Divide are in a "special relationship". They are equal and opposite. It's like they're "going out"- but permanently (unlike typical junior high "special relationships" which may not even outlast a sock change). When you encounter Multiply and Divide in a problem remember they <3 each other. Do the operation that comes first when you read the problem normally (left to right).

Add and Subtract have the same thing going on between them. This is getting too mushy so I'll stop there in explaining their situation.

So (hopefully) we've got the MDAS covered. We haven't dealt with the PE part of the saying (Note: PE doesn't stand for gym class). Since this post is getting a bit long, we'll save PE for another time.

Ivanna, hopefully this starts to answer your question a bit.

Stay radical.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Have it Your Way?

Sheesh, I take the summer off and the Inbox is full. Time to get a bit caught up. Here's a good one:

Dear Mathman,

I have an iPod shuffle. I really like the thing as it allows me to ignore everyone around me and get exactly what I want when I want it- except for when I use the shuffle mode. Half the time I do it just ruins my day as I get stuck listening to a mix that just Dysons. Seriously, why doesn't this thing just give me what I want?

Cody H.

Dear Cody,

Bigger isn't necessarily better. Especially when it comes down to doing the iPod shuffle. The more songs you have on that iPod, the greater the chances that the song you want to hear won't be coming up next. It makes sense if you think about it, but did you ever stop to think what the chances are you'll get a mix you want?

Let's think back to a time before the mp3 format. Let's go back to when "Don't Stop Believin'" first came out on 8 track, cassette, or LP. At that time you would have to buy the entire album of 10 or so songs in the order that the band intended it to be. You couldn't change the order that the songs were in unless you did some type of physical work. The "shuffle" option (or "random" in the CD world) didn't exist. You were forced to listen to the album or you had to physically change the media- you couldn't just push a button to access another band's work (unless you bought the K-Tel compilations).

The point of this? There was only one easy choice to hear the album (2 if you count side A and side B).

When CDs popped into the mix, things began to change. Now you could hit the "random" function and you could hear the songs in a bunch of different orders. This was good and bad since it's like reading a book by skipping around from chapter to chapter not necessarily staying in order.

How many orders could you hear all of the songs? Get in the math zone.

If you had a single, it would typically have 3 or 4 songs on it. (So how's that a single?) Let's figure out how many orders you could listen to the songs in with various numbers of songs: (Let's just say the first song starts with "A", the second with "B", the third with "C", ...)

One song : One way
Two songs : Two ways (A then B or B then A)
Three songs : Six ways-
Four songs : 24 ways. Think of it as three songs with a different starting song each time. Ex: DABC DACB DBAC DBCA DCAB DCBA. Note that the D comes first, but there are 6x4 ways since A,B, or C could have been as first as well.
Five songs: 5 x 24 = 120
Six songs: 6 x 120 = 720
Seven songs: 7 x 720 = 5,040
Eight songs: 8 x 5,040 = 40,320
Nine songs: 9 x 40,320 = 362,880
Ten songs: 10 x 362,880 = 3,628,800 ways


That's just for a 10 song CD placed on "random". Imagine an iPod with 500 songs on it. Yikes!

Let's look at the pattern again to figure out what is happening:
1 song : 1 way
2 songs : 2 ways you could pick the first, the second is decided; 2x1=2
3 songs : 3 ways to choose the first, 2 for the second; 3x2x1=6
4 songs : 4 ways for the first then hit me baby one more time with the results from the 3 song calculations; 4x3x2x1
5 songs : 5x4x3x2x1
6 songs : 6x5x4x3x2x1
and on and on.

There is a term for this, it's called the factorial. It looks like this: ! It means, HOLY COW THAT'S A WHOLE LOT!

so 10 songs is 10! = 10x9x8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1.

With over 3 million ways to listen to just 10 songs, no wonder why you've got a good chance for a bad mix!

stay radical.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Ahh, Summer...

Greetings Citizens of the Junior High. Hope your summer is going well. Since it is summer and people look forward to nice days, I've been asked: "Mathman, can you change the weather?"

In short, no. I, however, can predict the weather:

There is a 100% chance that it will either rain or not rain.

Stay radical.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Chocolate Calculator?

Dear Mathman,

I got this in my email. You should try it. It's amazing. How in the world could chocolate know my age?

Check it out below.

Cal Orie


Work this out as you read .
Be sure you don't read the bottom until you've worked it out!

1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like to have chocolate (more than once but less than 10)

2. Multiply this number by 2 (just to be bold)

3. Add 5

4. Multiply it by 50 -- I'll wait while you get the calculator

5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1759 ..
If you haven't, add 1758.

6. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born.

You should have a three digit number

The first digit of this was your original number
(i.e., how many times you want to have chocolate each week).

The next two numbers are YOUR AGE! (Oh YES, it is!!!!!)


Dear Cal,

It's not really magic- unless you consider algebra and the distributive property to be magic. If you do, you probably haven't read this far...

Here's each step with the algebra behind it:

1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like to have chocolate (more than once but less than 10)

We're going to call this "n" and it has to be between 1 to 9 because multiplying by 10 doesn't keep the place value consistent.

2. Multiply this number by 2 (just to be bold)

Now we have 2n

3. Add 5


4. Multiply it by 50 -- I'll wait while you get the calculator

50(2n+5)= 100n+250 This step is key because the n will now be the hundreds place in a three digit number (100, 200, 300, etc.)

5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1759 ..
If you haven't, add 1758.

100n+250+1759= 100n+2009 - this is the key move where you gave away your age according to this year. It is 2008 for those who haven't yet had your birthday since you haven't had it in 2009 yet so you need to keep the year straight. Think about it- I'm having a hard time explaining it right now.

6. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born.

100n+2009-the year you were born leaves you with:

100n+your age (the adjustment for 2008 makes more sense here).

So what you're left with is the number you started with in the hundreds place and the other 2 digits being your age (in the tens and ones place) since you subtracted the year you were born from 2009 (or 2008 if you haven't had your birthday yet this year).

THIS IS THE ONLY YEAR (2009) IT WILL EVER WORK, SO SPREAD IT AROUND WHILE IT LASTS. We'll it will work other years, you just have to adapt the +1759 part.

Hopefully this didn't melt your brain like chocolate in the sun on a 30 degree Celsius day...

Stay radical Cal,

Friday, May 1, 2009

Origami Saves Lives?

It's no secret that origami is popular at BJHS. The males work on perfecting the triangle, the females get more creative and fold notes in interesting ways. What you may not realize is that origami may save lives.


Watch this:

So math is good for more than just keeping score during a paper football game.

Stay radical.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Binary (Base 2)- Either You Get it or You Don't.

Dear Mathman,

I heard this joke in math class the other day:

“There are only 10 types of people in this world- those who understand binary and those who don’t.”

I’m one of the types of people who doesn’t get it. Please help.

Sly T. Lee Confused

Dear Sly,

Thanks for asking for help. That is a great skill more of us need to use. BTW, you sure know how to tell a joke. I just had to pick myself up off the floor. I laughed myself right out of my chair. Keep them coming.

Anyways, this joke revolves around understanding the binary system. You might not realize it, but we both needed the binary system to even see this blog entry. Huh? As a matter of fact, you’re using the binary system anytime you use anything powered by electricity. Anything.

The binary system is based on the prefix “bi”. Do you know what number “bi” is referring to? Hint: think bicycle. I hope you figured out “Bi” means “two”. So the binary system is counting system based on the number 2. A bit lost? Let’s go back to the electricity example for a second. . Think about the common light switch. There are only two options, on or off. The electricity flows or it doesn’t (we’re ignoring dimmer switches to keep it simpler).

Any electronic device is broken down into a whole lot of light switches that are on or off. Fortunately for us, many of these switches have been shrunken down to a microscopic level. If they hadn’t, this computer that I’m typing on would take up a fair amount of real estate here in Mathopolis. Ah, the wonders of modern science.

Enough of science, let’s get back to math:

We’re not used to the simplicity of the binary system, we’re used to a much more complex system of keeping track of numbers. Our system is base 10 and is called the decimal system. It’s worth it to think about this for a minute so we can understand and appreciate the binary system a bit more. The decimal system revolves around 10 possibilities for each digit (single number). You know these possibilities as 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9 (that was fun to type from the top of the keyboard). We know the place values in our system as “ones”, “tens”, “hundreds”, “thousands”, “ten thousands”, and so on. Think of a number to keep this straight:

67,890 is 6 ten thousands, 7 thousands, 8 hundreds, 9 tens, and 0 ones.

In our decimal system the number 10 is made up of 1 tens and 0 ones. When we write a number we start with the lowest value for a digit, 0, and work our way through the digits until we get to the highest value, 9. If we have to go higher than 9 we add the next place value and use a 0 to hold the first place value. We’re so used to doing this automatically we don’t think about it anymore.

The binary system works the same way. We start with a 0 in the first place value and count up until we hit the largest digit, then we add the next place value and start over. So, the number 0 in binary is 0. The number 1 in binary is 1. The number 2 in binary exceeds the highest digit for first place value so we need to add the second place value.

In base 2 (binary), the number 2 is written as 10. The place values go ones, twos, fours, eights, and so on. In the decimal system the place values are: 10^0=1, 10^1=10, 10^2=100, 10^3=1000, and so on. In the binary (base 2) system, the place values are: 2^0=1, 2^1=2, 2^2=4, 2^3=8, and so on. You count the same: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, etc. but the numbers are written differently. This is like a foreign language for math.

Now, take a moment and reread the joke. Is it funny yet? If we wrote it without the 10 in binary, which really is the counting number 2, it wouldn’t be nearly as funny:

“There are only 2 types of people in this world- those who understand binary and those who don’t.”

Stay radical,

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Whoa, Math AND Science

Reuben Margolin definitely has mathematical and scientifical (?) superpowers. He probably won his school's science fair as a student.

Stay radical.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Being Careless Can Stink.

Recently a lot of math classes have been dealing with percents and sale prices. For some reason, many people have problems with percent problems. I guess they are called “problems” for a reason, but really they’re not that hard to solve- IF you read carefully. Most of the time errors occur it is due to careless mistakes in either not writing down the work, or reading the problem incorrectly.

We can deal with the first situation rather quickly: show your work on paper. Percent problems go with proportions like cheese goes with pizza. Be careful to match the original amount to the 100 in the denominators of each side of the proportion, and keep the percent over the 100 and you’re set. If you don’t know what I’m talking about when I say, “proportion”, look at the previous blog entries below.

The second case is actually the first thing that should happen when you’re starting the problem. Just like my last blog entry said, take your time to read carefully the first time and you’ll save time in the long run. Even with careful reading though, some people still struggle. Most of the time I’ve found this is due to confusion over one little letter. This letter is crucial to the meaning of the problem and the work involved in finding its solution.

How can one stinking letter be so powerful you ask? What is this powerful letter?

A: “f”

The letter “f” has the power to change “of” to “off”. If the problem is “10% of the original price”, the answer will turn out to be less than ½ of the original amount. If the letter is “10% off the original price”, the answer will end up being more than ½ of the original price. People will flock to a sale of "10% of" as it can also be interpreted as "90% off".

One little letter = one big difference.

If you aren’t careful with that one little letter “f” then “art” takes on an entirely new meaning.

That stinks. Read carefully.

Stay radical.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Girls (and Boys) Just Wanna Have Fun...

Recently, I’ve come to the conclusion that many students secretly love doing math work. This is exciting. I can’t say, “Everybody loves doing math work” because that would imply 100% of the students love doing math work. It is very difficult to account for 100% of anything, let alone everybody, but there is a lot of evidence to support my stance.

Let me explain:

If you like doing something, you’ll spend time doing it. The more you like it, the more you’ll make it a priority. For instance, if you like playing video games, you’ll often trade sleep for the experience of saving the princess or ridding the planet of aliens. If you like inequalities, you’ll write them on the back of your hand ( 1<3 …). As a side note, these inequalities usually express a commitment to a unit rate of humans. For example: 1<3 Clarence. Also interesting is that what follows the <3 should, according to proper English, be plural but seldom is. Of course, some people prefer 1<3 ?, which as far as plurality goes, is ambiguous. This has been an interesting tangent, but now back to our regularly scheduled program…

If spending time doing something = fun then a lot of students enjoy some things that are a bit puzzling to me. For instance, some students enjoy being yelled at by their parents. These students must enjoy it because they invest time in being yelled at. They know their parents will nag them to do something that they are required to do on a regular basis. They don’t do what their parents ask them to do the first time, or the second, or the third, or the nth time (when n>3). What most of these students don’t realize is that each time their parents nag them it takes more of the student’s personal time that could be spent on video games or inequalities (or getting better at pencil tapping by practicing to YouTube videos). Since it’s taking up their time, and they could have made a choice to not be nagged by doing what they knew needed done in the first place, these students must view being nagged as fun.

Now this is bizarre behavior, but it’s not as strange as those students who secretly love math. On the surface these students may say, “I hate math”, but deep down their actions show otherwise. They could save a bundle of time if they used a bit of common sense, but they’re having fun doing (and redoing) things the hard way.

I hear the question now, “Mathman, what in the 2nd prime numbered planet from the sun do you mean?”

A: These students think that they’re taking the easy way out by saying: “I did it in my head” or “I did it on my calculator” or “I used another piece of scratch paper, but my little sister feels the need for more fiber in her diet so she ate it.” What he (used as the indefinite pronoun) doesn’t realize is that, in the end, math teachers are a stubborn lot and WILL require him to “Show your work” or “Explain your answer”. So the person who answered “IDK”, “?”, or “ITL” will, in fact, be spending more time on the problem then necessary. He could have put the effort into solving the problem correctly the first time, but instead chose the path that required not just solving the problem, but the path of extra writing by putting down the wrong answer in the first place. What’s the clincher in the whole deal though is that he also must like being nagged by his math teacher. Why? The student could have saved time by reading the directions and solving the problem correctly in the first place. Instead he chose to have the math teacher tell him to do it again (and again, and again, …).

Some people sure have strange ideas of what constitutes fun.

Maybe we need shirts:

1 <3 Math.


1<3 Redoing things that I could have done right the first time.

Stay radical.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Reason # Nineninenine to own a Calculator

I know you've been working hard this week and reading a lot so I'll keep this brief. Here's one final PSSA style question:

Why in Mathopolis would you get one of these?

a. You need a clock.
b. You've got mad math skills and you want to practice them.
c. You like Nines.
d. You are so cool your friends need to wear a sweater when they hang out with you.

This one is from the Triple Nine Society (if you search for that you can find out more info.)

Stay radical!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Day Late, but Still Irrational

A good friend of mathematical accuracy, Adam, sent us this gem in honor of Pi Day (3/14). Come to think of it, Adam is a fabulous name- one of the few that implies a mathematical operation.

If a mathematical superhero didn't have the ability to fly, they'd surely be driving this model- the Mazda Mathmobile.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Winter Comes to an End, but Bad Math Doesn't

Next week is the start of PSSA season. I guess that means we get to hunt the PSSAs. Wouldn't that be great. Anyways, I have no idea what the weather will be next week, but I hope the temperatures (and attitudes) stay positive.

Since the Mathman morning announcements have been reduced like the greatest common factor between the numerator and denominator (i.e. cancelled) for a while, I've had some time to head out into the "real world" and fight bad math at every intersection.

It didn't take long for me to find this example:

Wow. Sounds like a fabulous toy (THAT YOU SHOULD NEVER BRING TO SCHOOL). I mean, who wants to take the effort to throw a snowball?

Anyways, If I'm going to plop down >$20 on a piece of plastic I want to know how well it works. So I went looking for some information and found:

Ad copy #1:

The 50 Foot Snowball Launcher.


This toy blaster makes and launches softball-sized snowballs up to 50', allowing rapid, long-range assaults during neighborhood snowball confrontations.

Wait a second... It doesn't launch 50 foot snowballs, it launches smaller snowballs up to 50 feet. That's a bummer.

Ad copy #2:

Snowball Blaster by Wham-O
*Snowball Maker/ Launcher
*Makes and launches Snowballs up to 80 feet (24 meters)
*Compelling Box Packaging

So does it launch snowballs 50 feet or 80 feet (24 meters)?

Ad copy #3:

Product Description:
Protect your turf and defend your snow fort with a snowball maker and launcher

Snow toy makes and launches Snowballs up to 50 feet (16 meters)

By this point I was really confused. The numbers don't match.


A: My guess is probably poor font choice. When I looked at the actual package it appeared to say "80ft (16m)". This advertising ploy was pure genius. That's because 80 feet is much farther than 16m. Here's some math:

Since 1 meter = 39.37 inches it follows that

1 m .... ..... 16 m
----------- = --------- = (approx.) 52.5 ft.
39.37 in.... 629.92 in

We could also check the 80 feet and figure out how many meters that is.

Since 1 in = 2.54 cm, 12 in (1 ft) = 30.48 cm. So,

1 ft.... .... 80 ft
----------- = --------- = (approx.) 24.4 m
30.48 cm.. 2438.4 cm

The poor font choice for the 5 or 8 made the 50 or 80 very confusing. The PSSA graders probably would have ruled that "ILL" for illegible. Definitely less than a proficient score would be awarded to this product.

In conclusion, since you CAN'T use this at school, why bother paying >$30 for something so impractical? Something that would be much handier (and much less money) would be a scientific calculator with a fraction button. That, coupled with a bit of conversion common sense (CCS) would allow you to figure out that the claims made for this toy are at best confusing.

Keep your eyes open, #2 pencils sharp, and leave the snowballs at home.

Until next time,
Stay radical.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I <3 Doing Things the Hard Way

"I used my calculator."

I would be willing to bet this is most frequently used statement in the math classes around BJHS. This little phrase has become the new magic word, bumping "Please" off of the #1 spot. (I realize the phrase is more than one word, but the fluidity with which many say "I used my calculator" makes it almost one word.) The truth of the matter is, statistically speaking, over 1/3 of the Junior High students cannot use this phrase truthfully.

The BJHS Math Dept. (otherwise known as The Department of Accuracy and Justice) has collected data about calculator ownership from all of the homerooms throughout the school. The results: at least 470 students out of 1300 (rounded to the nearest 100) don't own a calculator.

---- = .3615 = 36% cannot use the statement "I used MY calculator." accurately.

The strange thing is that many students would have difficulty in calculating the decimal and percent above without a calculator.

What is also puzzling about this situation is how many of the BJHS students own cell phones or iPod/ mp3 players compared to those who own a calculator. It's perplexing because nobody uses "I used my cell phone." or "I used my iPod." to describe how they solved a math problem. It's really weird that people wouldn't own a calculator as they probably have math homework around 4 out of 5 days (80%) of the week.

All of these observations don't even account for the fact that a scientific calculator with a fraction (A b/c) button only costs $10-$15 and is so much more useful throughout the school day than either a cell phone or mp3 player. Owning and using your OWN calculator may even make math a bit easier for you- that is unless you have mathematical superpowers which allow you to calculate at the speed of light (approximately 186,000 miles per second).

So let's summarize: Cost < a monthly cell phone bill. Usefulness > an iPod. It sounds like calculator ownership is something everyone should experience.

So the message is: If you really love doing math for fun DON'T own a calculator. It will take you a lot longer to do your math work so you'll feel a sense of accomplishment knowing you did ALL the work and didn't take the easy way out.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

How Good is Your Memory?

So you think iPhone is the greatest thing ever.

Think again.

A long time ago-in a galaxy far, far, away, people thought they had the greatest video game system ever. The year was 1977. While that may sound like the age of the dinosaur for those of you who can't remember life without texting or cell phones, it's not really that long ago. As a matter of fact, statistically speaking, you'll probably live longer than 2 billion seconds or over twice that amount of time.

Anyways, in 1977, the first successful home video game systems came into play. (I know some of you can't imagine life without video games, but people did survive.) The first widely available video game system was the Atari (later to be called the Atari 2600). The Atari was out long before any of the Playstations, Nintendos, or XBoxes. If you don't know what I'm talking about, look up "Atari" sometime when you're not texting inequalities on your phone. (Example: Dude, 1<3 Don't Stop Believing - it's my favorite song on my iPod- it is so da bomb).

You may ask, "Why would I care about 1977? That's like, last century." Well, stick with me young Jedi for you have a lot to learn. (-not only did the Atari come out in 1977, but Star Wars did as well.)

Ok, so why was the Atari so revolutionary (even if it was 1977)? I'm glad you asked.

The Atari cartridge was revolutionary because it had 4K of memory. That's 4,000 bytes (actually 4,096, but we're going with 4,000). Remember from typing class that 1 character equals about one byte. For 1977 that was pretty amazing. For 2009, that's pretty lame because the basic iPhone has 4GB of memory.

So the PSSA style question is: "How many Atari cartridges would fit on an iPhone?"

A. A whole lot. (or ITL)
B. IDK. (otherwise known as ITL)
C. I'm not quite sure, but 1 <3 learning so let's figure it out.
D. Don't select this choice, it's just on here to be a distraction. (or ITL to read and eliminate this choice)

I hope you chose "C."

First of all some background information: (this would be on a formula sheet, padawan)

1K = 1000 bytes
1MB = 1000K
1GB = 1000MB

Now to use the force (i.e. math) to figure things out: (note the ..... are just placeholders because Mathman stinks at page formatting in html.)

1 cartridge..... C cartridges
--------------- = ------------
4 K............... 1000K

Solving for C (by using cross products and proportions) gives us:


1000/4=250 cartridges in 1000K (or 1MB)


250 cartridges..... N cartridges
------------------- = ---------------
1 MB ................ 1000 MB

Solving for N gives,


250000/1=250000 cartridges in 1000MB (or 1GB)

Since the iPhone we're comparing to is 4GB, that would hold 250,000*4 = 1,000,000 Atari cartridges.

Big deal, you say, the iPhone I want is still the greatest thing EVER.

For now.

Let me leave you with the next up and coming unit of measure. The terabyte (TB) is coming and it's 1000GB. It's going to make your iPhone go the way of the Atari.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Stop Me if You've Heard This One Before

Here's a joke for you:

Bill Gates walks into a room and everyone becomes a millionaire, on average.

Hilarious, huh?

I see the mail piling up right now: "Dear Mathman. I don't get the joke." or "Dear Mathman, it's too hard to understand that joke." or even, "Dear Mathman, that's a dumb joke. Pencil tapping is waaayyy cooler." (maybe if you're actually really good at pencil tapping)

Well, it isn't a dumb joke, because you have to understand the three M's to get it. What are the three M's you ask. Is that, like, 150% better than Eminem? (most certainly). Do they melt in your mouth, not in your hands? (It does take a long time in the microwave to melt the candy shell, but that's a story for another time.)

The three M's are measures of central tendency, or the mean, median, and mode. Measures of central tendency (the three M's), refer to "average". Most people get the mode. That was a bit of a joke in itself as mode refers to the most frequent data values in a set. That doesn't help us much with the Bill Gates joke since he's probably the only one person in the room with enough money to buy a planet.

The median refers to the middle value of a data set. Once again, since Mr. Gates is only one data value, one person with no money in their pockets would cancel his cash right out.

That leaves mean as being the only hope to make this joke funny. Never underestimate the power of an outlier. A quicky wiki left me with Bill being worth somewhere around $58 billion in 2008. That's $58,000,000,000 in standard notation or 5.8 x 10 to the 10th power dollars. Do you realize how big that is? That's 58,000 groups of $1,000,000 each. That's enough cash to pay someone (who's awesome at it) to pencil tap for you while you do your math homework.

Since it takes $1,000,000 to be a millionaire, Bill Gates could offset 57,999 other people in the room who wouldn't even have enough money to buy their own pencil to tap and pull the mean to $1,000,000 a piece. That would buy a whole lot of pencils for each person so they could stop absconding them from Mr. Krack's pencil box.

Here's the definiton for mean:

sum of all the values
--------------------------- = mean
total number of entries

In our case:

------------------------ = $1,000,000

Just to put that in perspective: Heinz Field seats 64,000 people. That means we'd need 64,000-58,000 = 6,000 more millions of dollars to make everyone in Heinz Field (on average) a millionaire. That amount of money we'd need to spread over 63,999 people is 6,000 x $1,000,000 = $6,000,000,000. So the average amount those (other than Bill Gates) 63,999 people would need is $6,000,000,000 / 63,999 = $93,751.46. I'm taking a guess here that most people don't have this much money kicking around. (Personally, I am good for the $.46 of my share.)

To me that makes this problem even more interesting since Bill himself could cover 58,000 out of the 64,000 people in the stadium and most likely we still wouldn't be able to make everyone in the stadium millionaires since we wouldn't have enough money.

One man has the capability to make the "average" of:
----------- = 90.625%

of the population of Heinz Field millionaires, while the rest of us 63,999 people would have a hard time covering the remaining 9.375% of the money to raise the average of the population of Heinz Field to the status of millionaires.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Possibilities vs. Probabilities

Citizens of the Junior High: The PSSAs are coming soon. That can only mean one thing:

Free breakfast.

You've probably heard the saying, "There's no such thing as a free lunch." Well, that's because there are way too many possibilities for breakfast.

Lets's consider the options you had for choosing your breakfast: Orange or apple juice (much to the dismay of Mathman, espresso isn't one of the options here) and a breakfast item of a Cocoa Puffs cereal bar, Trix cereal bar, cinnamon sugar donut, apple, banana, or the ubiquitous "Honey Bun".

If we were to quickly calculate the possibilities for the number of breakfasts we'd have:

Orange juice and Cocoa Puffs cereal bar
or Trix cereal bar
or cinnamon sugar donut
or apple
or banana
or "Honey Bun"

Apple juice and Cocoa Puffs cereal bar
or Trix cereal bar
or cinnamon sugar donut
or apple
or banana
or "Honey Bun"

So there are 12 possibilities for breakfast.

There's a simpler way of finding out how many ways to choose breakfast. Think about it 2 ways for juice, 6 breakfast items = 12 possibilities.

2 and 6 to get 12. Multiplication must be the secret operation.

Now, we can also consider that picking a juice doesn't effect the choice of a menu item. So choosing a juice and a breakfast item are independent events.

Now that we have considered the possibilities, let's consider the probability of choosing a particular breakfast. Let's look for P(apple juice, Trix cereal bar). The P() stands for probability of what's in the (). The P(apple juice, Trix cereal bar) is 1 result of 12 possibilities or a 1/12 chance. We could also get here by taking the P(apple juice)= 1/2 and P(Trix cereal bar) = 1/6. Once again, use the secret operation of multiply to get 1/12.

So the odds of getting Mathman's favorite breakfast of espresso and chocolate chip and banana pancakes is P(espresso, banana pancakes) = 0*0 = 0 since the P(espresso)=0 and the P(banana pancakes)=0.

Let's end on a positive note: the P(staying radical)= 1 or 100%. That's the only way to be.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

It's All in the Merchandising

Introducing our new weapon in the fight against ignorance:

Welcome the Algebratz.

I've read the PSSA manuals. I see nothing against using the Algebratz.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

You Probably Should Read Closely

Greetings citizens of the Junior High. It has recently come to my attention that many of you are slightly confused about two types of probabilities- theoretical and experimental. Well, I'd like to help you figure out the difference between the two.

First up: theoretical probability. This is simply an educated guess at what will happen in a situation. For instance, the theoretical probability that citizens of the Junior High will wash their hands after using the restroom to help prevent the spread of the "stomach flu" is 1 or 1/1 or 100%. It should be a sure thing, especially since there are signs stenciled on the walls that say "Please Flush" and "Please Wash Hands". You can refer to this probability as P(washing hands). Simple hand washing after using the restroom can limit the spread of the "stomach flu", which really isn't a flu at all, but often an e. coli bacterial outbreak.

In essence, a theoretical probability is just a hopeful prediction.

Now, we'll take a look at an experimental probability. This type of probability is a ratio based on the number of favorable outcomes out of the total number of trials. Quite simply, we conduct an experiment and observe what happens. For our example, if we notice that the water ran 5 times for 8 people leaving the restroom we can conclude that the experimental probability is 5/8 = 5 out of 8 = .625 = 62.5% of the people using the restroom washed their hands.

In many cases the theoretical and experimental probabilities are not equal. Often times the experimental probability is greater than the theoretical probability.

Unfortunately, in our example, the best we can hope for is that the experimental probability matches the theoretical probability. Especially since everyone can read the writing on the wall- "Please Wash Hands".

We are not even going into theoretical and experimental probabilities of the "Please Flush" signage.

Citizens of the Junior High, remember: Only you can wash your hands.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pick a Winner?

Dear Mathman,

My friends and I are starting a chapter on probability. We were wondering, Do you pick your nose?


Dear Laura,

I'm not sure exactly what you are referring to by "Do you pick your nose?" It sounds like this sentence is in the present tense and an ongoing process, so I'd have to say the answer is "No.", as I didn't have any kind of option in choosing my nose. BUT, If I indeed did have several equally likely noses to choose from- let's say 4, the odds I would have chosen my current nose are 1 in 4 = 1/4 = .25 = 25%.

Life is full of choices; You can pick your friends but you can't pick your nose.

Stay radical,

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Don't Leave Math Behind.

We use language everyday. As great as words are though, they sometimes get put into sayings that have different meanings. For instance: "Cool" could refer to temperature, or it could refer to something that is "Groovy", "Awesome", or even "Radical". This makes English a bit confusing to someone who has the capability to time travel.

Language is great, however, because without it we wouldn't be able to ask such timeless questions as "Why did the chicken cross the road?" or "What were you thinking?" We also wouldn't be able to make such statements as "I'm hungry." or "Employees must wash hands before returning to work."

Recently, language has been compacted by the phenomenon known as texting. LOL. BFF. FAQ. These acronyms are so common the most people know their meanings immediately and don't have to think about what they mean.

That's great and all, but that leaves math out of the equation for the most part. I mean, if English gets texting, shouldn't math get digiting? It's not really fair that they get all the abbreviations when we're stuck with + for add, - for subtract, x for multiply, and / for divide. That's sooooo middle ages.

It's time, citizens of the Junior High, to start bringing math back into the 21st century.

Announcing our new acronym: (drum roll please) SIF

Do you know what it stands for? How about: Slope-Intercept Form. What is Slope-Intercept Form you ask? It's a form you fill out that has the slope and the y-intercept in it. It's the same form ALL the time, just the slope and intercept get filled in.

SIF: y=mx+b, where m is the slope (rise over run) and b is the y- intercept, the place where the graph crosses the y-axis.

Say it with me:SIF.

Stay radical, or at least keep being a regular quadrilateral.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Valentine's Day Question for the All Knowing Mathman!!!

Dear Mathman,

I have a major problem and I need your help. With Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, I have this special someone that I need a gift for. I am not the romantic but I want to do something special, so I need some suggestions of what to get. Let me know if you have any thoughts.



Dear Cupid,

I have the same problem. What do you buy that special someone to show her/him that you really care? Here are some great ideas that have gotten me out of some tough problems.

Ruler, compass, protractor, a slide rule, up-to-date formula sheet, scientific calculator with fraction button and directions (great to help on the PSSA test), but the one gift that will really show you care is a pass to Math Help at the BJHS every Tuesday and Thursday. The gift of knowledge cannot be replaced. It is a gift for that special someone to continually grow. With this gift, the person’s love will continue to grow exponentially. A solid base/foundation is important with everything especially in math. I encourage everyone to give this special gift to everyone.



Thursday, January 29, 2009

Something to do on a Snowy Day

School's been postponed for the second day in a row. If you're totally bored by this point, I have a suggestion: find the manual for your calculator. You probably don't know everything that your calculator can do and the manual- well, it is a manual. A few minutes spent learning something new today may save you a lot of time tomorrow.

Monday, January 26, 2009


With all the cold weather we’ve been experiencing recently, I’m sure you’ve been wondering: “Mathman, can you make it any warmer?” Well, the answer is no and yes.

Due to the wonders of modern Math (and some science too) I can make the point at which water freezes feel like 273. 273 what? Rutabagas? Chickens? Steelers? Well, actually 273 Kelvin. How did we arrive at that number? What’s a Kelvin?

First, a Kelvin is a unit of measuring temperature. When you refer to an answer that is measured in Kelvin, you should say “Kelvin”, NOT “degrees Kelvin”. Saying “degrees Kelvin” is like saying “Me and Elvis seen Bigfoot at the mall”. It makes you look like you don’t know what you’re really talking about.

We’re not used to using Kelvin or even degrees Celsius when measuring temperature; we’re used to using degrees Farenheit, so it makes sense that we should start with what we know. We know that water freezes at 32 degrees Farenheit. Our formula sheet (especially for the 8th grade citizens of BJHS) tells us that: C=5/9 (F-32). The C is degrees Celsius, the F is degrees Farenheit, and the (F-32) is being multiplied by 5/9 or approximately .56. I know what you’re saying, Now wait a minute (or 60 seconds) Mathman, that gives me C=5/9 (32-32) which is C=5/9 *0 or C=0. That seems colder than the 32 we started with. Good point, but wait, there’s more.

But first an instant replay (maybe a bit easier to follow along):
C=5/9 * (F-32) when F=32
C=.56 * (32-32) ---(Note, we used .56 for 5/9 in this step)
C=.56 * 0

When it's 32 degrees Farenheit, it's 0 degrees Celsius.

After we get our answer of C=0, we need to convert the degrees Celsius to Kelvin. This is the bonus of visiting the super somewhat secret blog of Mathman. FREE FORMULA ALERT! To convert Celsius to Kelvin, use the formula K=C+273. For our example that gives us: K=0+273, which becomes K=273. Thus 273K is the temperature at which water freezes.

By using the formulas we have, you could find out that it is 255K when it is 0 degrees Farenheit, or 308K when it is 95 degrees Farenheit.

Cool, huh? Or wait, that seems pretty hot.

Friday, January 23, 2009



My teacher said that this song would help me learn some terminology for the PSSA.
This kid sure knows a lot of numbers past 3.14. Any chance you can tell me why there are sooooooooo many digits of pi?? Does it REALLY never end??

Purple Pi-man

Answer for Quotient Man!

Hey Quotient Man,

I just got back from fighting faulty division algorithms, so this is a great time to respond to your post. I have closely viewed the video and you are CORRECT!!!!! Ma and Pa Kettle obviously did not pay attention in math class. Great video!!!! Kids....don't try this at home without an adult!!!

Divide Carefully,


Dividing with Ma and Pa Kettle

Hey Math Man,

I'm having trouble with division in my math classes. I came across this video. Let me know what you think!!!!! I don't think it's right, but I'm not sure! Can you help me?


Quotient Man

Test Taking Tips

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Question for Mathman:

It was just a matter of time. I knew someone would have a question for Mathman. Here's the first:

Dear Mathman,

With the Superbowl rapidly approaching, I was wondering: Do you like the Steelers?


My response:
Dear Lisa,

I'm not quite sure what "Steelers" refers to. Most names refer to some quality or trait that a person or thing possesses like "Pittsburgh Penguins" refers to flightless birds living in a nearby city accustomed to our recent weather patterns, or "Butler Blue Sox" refers to a slightly misspelled article of clothing worn by Butlers. This being said, I'm not sure if "Steelers" is misspelled and was referring to "Stealers" which would imply "likely to steal". If this were the case, Mathman NEVER endorses doing anything illegal or unethical.

So Steelers? I'm not so sure. Now, the "Pi rates" - they are obviously all about circles and the irrational number we approximate as 3.14. You can read more about circles on your FORMULA SHEET. Come to think of it, since pi refers to circles- that may explain why the "Pittsburgh Pi rates" are lousy at baseball. The game is played on what most people refer to as a "diamond" even though the bases are arranged in a pattern forming a regular quadrilateral more commonly known as a square. We can at least hope they get better at math this year.

Thanks for asking,

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Welcome to the Mathcave

Greetings citizens of the Junior High!

Congratulations on finding the secret hiding spot of the BJHS Mathman. Stay tuned to this corner (or should I say, vertex) of the web for future updates on the adventures of Mathman. I can assure you that 30 second tv spots can't provide enough information on this exciting superhero.

One quick thought for the day: If you rearrange the letters of "PSSA", you get "PASS".